
It’s been really quiet here lately, so I thought I could at leat post some more photos!

May 9, 2012





new playground !!!

March 3, 2012







Enrolling now !

January 30, 2012

Are you looking for a kindergarten place for your child?

Should it be nurturing rather than conditioning?

Should the language used be suggesting rather than commanding?

Should the children learn from their own inner will or from pressure?

Should the children have creative playtime or should they follow the purposeful play/free choice?

Should the teachers work with the environment and nature or with blackboard inside the classroom?


If these questions sound familiar to you, then you may wish consider enrolling your child at the Waldorf Kindergarten.


Our children are good at asking for something and waiting their turn. They are speaking clearly and understand directions according to their age. They are great at creating their own play and ideas in our activities. They understand the week days through our activities. They know the rhythm of the day and need not much prompting. They can count till 30 and are smart at laying patterns. They have great visualization skills. They know all the letters and the sounds. They love stories and they have a great imagination. They can balance, skip, hop, catch, roll, somersault, walk forwards, sidewards and backwards!

They are educated in a balance between body, soul and intellect.




Art, Craft and Woodwork! Holiday Programme @ Kindergarten

December 2, 2011


more about the holiday programme:

– children are welcome to stay from 8am till 1pm, the workshop are from 9 to 12!

– parents do not need to stay, there are 6 people to run the workshops and to look after the children

– younger children may not be able to do all the work by themselves, so they will be given smaller projects

– older children are expected to be gentle around the little ones esp with tools and material, please talk to your kids about that – we will als0 brief them on how to use tools and esp the wooden swords.

Monday  –  wood work

Wooden swords

are the dream of each boy and of some girls as well! The pride to have made one themselves often surmounts the actual perfection or beauty, but we’ll do our best to make it a lasting and pretty toy. We will also try to hold a swordsman show with mock fighting. Younger children will ideally not see see the mock fight as they imitate everything and we don’t want them to “stickfight” with everyone at home when their co-ordination is not so great yet (and their compassion either!).


We also make these little stilts which are fun for younger kids, but they will have to choose one or the other project.

Tuesday  –  weaving

is an ancient craft and is so easily turned into really funky or interesting art. This is for all ages! We will have to go stick hunting, ply them into circles and other shapes and them tie ropes and strings to it. Then begins the weaving, not only with wool, but also with old rags and fabric and even leaves or other stuff from nature.

Will bring my daughter’s weaving loom for eager weavers!

Wednesday  –  boats for real rides in water


They come in all shapes & colours! Again this is a day with tools (lots of sawing and carving) so we will have easier activity going on for the very little ones. Or have something pre-cut for them.

We have planned 2 hours for the making of boats and will then all go down to Leveti creek and have a fun play with the boats then.They love this magical place, it’s totally fun and very safe for all!

Please all need a set of change, maybe even 2 sets (you know your child)  and gumboots!

Thursday  – Macrame and sailor knots

Children seem to learn making knots before they know how undo them, much to the regret of kindergarten/preschool teachers. It seems to be a universal law!

So we making use of the fascination of knots and teach the kids to do fingerknitting, macrame and useful knots for sailing and all sorts of adventures. You can make a rope ladder knowing the right knots. You can make a friendship bracelet. You can tie up your raft on the river bank. You can make a special string for your present wrapper.

Get tangled!

Friday  –  water colour painting and movable Christmas picture


There must be a day for painting! Not sure if your 3 year old will be painting this Christmas tree, but they LOVE the texture of water paints, so everyone will find something for their own abilities. We will make cards out of their paintings. Painting with water paints is not something you usually seem to be doing in schools here or if they do it’s always messy and brown! Learning how to mix colour is a delightful and enlivening art!

Looking very much forward to this art day!

Remember to rsvp !!!


Diwali – the festival of lights

October 26, 2011

May all our wishes come true. May all be blessed with growth, harmony, simplicity and happiness. May Lakshmi find her way through the rain into our homes to see the beauty within and give us her blessing.

Happy Diwali!


Opening Ceremony

October 1, 2011

Dear friends,

 the Waldorf Kindergarten is moving into this beautiful house in Domain, Suva.

Please share our joy and the wonder of childhood in our opening ceremony on the

 1st October 2011


240 Richards Road


the Fiji Waldorf Trust and our teachers


Building …

September 16, 2011

a fence

a gate

a sandpit

a footpath

a garden

a swing

a climbing frame


(pix soon)


Joyful Toddlers Blog

September 8, 2011

This is for my friend Uli:

“So, your little guy learns to walk.  At first, this is a great accomplishment on its own, and it takes all of his concentration.  But then, he has mastered it!  At this point, many kids go through a ‘rough’ phase.”

Read on here:

Joyful Toddlers

My friend’s little one is not hitting, but just as strong-willed as a delightful little man! He’s got a great laugh too!

I want to share this wonderful blog with you all, it’s a constant source of inspiration for us! Enjoy reading!

Warmly, Anja


more children are rolling down grass hills …

August 27, 2011

Rolling down a grass hill! Do you remember?

Swirl. Laughter. Speed. Sweat. Itchy skin …

It’s good for happiness. For any age!

Again !!!


Flame Tree Waldorf Kindergarten

August 25, 2011


Rise up oh flame,

By thy light glowing.

Show to us beauty,

Wisdom and Joy.


listen here


(drawing from 240 Richards Road, new location)


This beautiful flame tree is forming a enormous shelter for the gate of our new kindergarten. As we approach Christmas it will grow more and more green leaves and bright red flowers until it bursts of colour and light when we enter the festive season.


We also end our school year at that time and just as the flowers on our tree we want our children to blossom. We are the gardeners who will nourish and nurture our children, so the little buds unfold to the world and blossom in our care.


And for this reason the founding members of the trust have decided to call our kindergarten

May the tree watch over our kindergarten and show us beauty, vision and joy !